The SH79F1612B is a high performance 8051 compatible micro-controller, regard to its build-in Pipe-line instruction fetch structure, that helps the SH79F1612B can perform more fast operation speed and higher calculation performance, if compare SH79F1612B with standard 8051 at same clock speed.The SH79F1612B retains most features of the standard 8051. These features include internal 256 bytes RAM, 1/2 UART and INT0-2 .In addition, the SH79F1612B provides external 768 bytes RAM, It also contains 16K bytes Flash memory block both for program and data. Also the ADC and PWM timer functions are incorporated in SH79F1612B. For high reliability and low cost issues, the SH79F1612B builds in Watchdog Timer, Low Voltage Reset function. And SH79F1612B also supports two power saving modes to reduce power consumption.
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