Fully Synchronous to Positive Clock Edge
Operatng emperature
-Commercial temperature range 0 “C to 70 “C
.Industrial temperature range .40 ‘C to 85 °C
Automotive grade 2 temperature range -40’C to 105°C
Automotive grade 3 temperature range 40°C to 85°C
High-Rel, X (-55 “C to 125 °C)
Four Banks controlled by BAO & BA1
Programmable CAS Latency: 1 & 2 & 3
Programmable Wrap Sequence: Sequential or Interleave
Programmable Burst Length: 1, 2, 4, 8 and full page
Multiple Burst Read with Single Write Operation
Automatic and Controlled Precharge Command
Data Mask for Read / Write control (x8, x16, x32)
Data Mask for Byte Control (x16,x32)
Auto Refresh (CBR) and Self Refresh
Power Down Mode
8192 refresh cycles / 64 ms (7.8 us)T=105°C
/ 32 ms (3.9us)T>105°C
Random Column Address every CLK (1-N Rule)
Single 3.3 V+0.3 V Power Supply
vTTL Interface versions
Available in 86/54 Pin TSOP Il
Chipsize Packages:P-TSOPll-54 10.16mm width (x8, x16)P_TSOPI1-86 10.16mm width (x32)