
• Only 49 Instructions to learn
• Operating Speed:
– DC – 32 MHz clock input
– DC – 125 ns instruction cycle
• Interrupt Capability with Automatic Context
• 16-Level Deep Hardware Stack with Optional
Overflow/Underflow Reset
• Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes:
– Two full 16-bit File Select Registers (FSRs)
– FSRs can read program and data memory

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    • Precision Internal Oscillator:
    – Factory calibrated to ±1%, typical
    – Software selectable frequency range from
    32 MHz to 31 kHz
    • 31 kHz Low-Power Internal Oscillator
    • External Oscillator Block with:
    – 4 crystal/resonator modes up to 32 MHz
    using 4xPLL
    – 3 external clock modes up to 32 MHz
    • 4x Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
    • Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
    • Two-Speed Start-up
    • Power-Saving Sleep mode
    • Power-on Reset (POR)
    • Power-up Timer (PWRT)
    • Oscillator Start-Up Timer (OST)
    • Brown-out Reset (BOR) with Selectable Trip Point
    • Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT)
    • In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two
    • In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via Two Pins
    • Enhanced Low-Voltage Programming (LVP)
    • Operating Voltage Range:
    – 1.8V to 3.6V (PIC1XLF182X)
    – 1.8V to 5.5V (PIC1XF182X)
    • Programmable Code Protection
    • Self-Programmable under Software Control
    Low-Power Features:
    • Standby Current (PIC1XLF182X):
    – 30 nA @ 1.8V, typical
    • Operating Current (PIC1XLF182X):
    – 75 A @ 1 MHz, 1.8V, typical
    • Low-Power Watchdog Timer Current
    – 500 nA @ 1.8V, typical

    • Up to 17 I/O Pins and 1 Input-only Pin:
    – High current sink/source for LED drivers
    – Individually programmable interrupt-onchange pins
    – Individually programmable weak pull-ups
    • Timer0: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit
    Programmable Prescaler
    • Enhanced Timer1:
    – 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
    – External Gate Input mode
    – Dedicated low-power 32 kHz oscillator driver
    • Up to three Timer2 modules (Timer2,4,6): 8-Bit
    Timer/Counter with 8-Bit Period Register,
    Prescaler and Postscaler
    • Up to two Enhanced Capture, Compare, PWM
    modules (ECCP):
    – Software selectable time-bases
    – Auto-shutdown and auto-restart
    – PWM steering
    • Up to two Capture, Compare, PWM modules
    – Software selectable time-bases
    • Up to two Master Synchronous Serial Port
    (MSSP) with SPI and I2CTM with:
    – 7-bit address masking
    – SMBus/PMBusTM compatibility
    • Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous
    Receiver Transmitter (EUSART):
    – RS-232, RS-485 and LIN compatible
    – Auto-Baud Detect
    – Auto-wake-up on start
    • SR Latch (Integrated 555 Timer):
    – Multiple Set/Reset input options
    • Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):
    – 10-bit resolution
    – Up to 12 channels
    • Up to 2 Comparators:
    – Rail-to-rail inputs
    – Power mode control
    – Software controllable hysteresis
    • Voltage Reference module:
    – Fixed voltage reference (FVR) with 1.024V,
    2.048V and 4.096V output levels
    – 5-bit rail-to-rail resistive DAC with positive
    and negative reference selection
    • Capacitive Touch oscillator module:
    – Up to 12 channels
    • Data Signal Modulator:
    – Select modulator and carrier sources from
    various module outputs.