This N-Channel MOSFET is produced using ON
Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench® process.
Advancements in both silicon and Dual CoolTM package
technologies have been combined to offer the lowest rDS(on)
while maintaining excellent switching performance by extremely
low Junction-to-Ambient thermal resistance. This device has the
added benefit of an efficient monolithic Schottky body diode.
In stock will ship in 2 days. Real-time inventory pls confirm with us.
Dual CoolTM Top Side Cooling PQFN package
Max rDS(on) = 3.5 mΩ at VGS = 10 V, ID = 22.5 A
Max rDS(on) = 4.7 mΩ at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 18 A
High performance technology for extremely low rDS(on)
SyncFET Schottky Body Diode
RoHS Compliant