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    • Bluetooth
    5, IEEE 802.15.4-2006, 2.4 GHz transceiver
    • -95 dBm sensitivity in 1 Mbps Bluetooth
    low energy mode
    • -103 dBm sensitivity in 125 kbps Bluetooth
    low energy mode (long range)
    • -20 to +8 dBm TX power, configurable in 4 dB steps
    • On-air compatible with nRF52, nRF51, nRF24L, and nRF24AP Series
    • Supported data rates:
    • Bluetooth
    5 – 2 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 500 kbps, and 125 kbps
    • IEEE 802.15.4-2006 – 250 kbps
    • Proprietary 2.4 GHz – 2 Mbps, 1 Mbps
    • Single-ended antenna output (on-chip balun)
    • 128-bit AES/ECB/CCM/AAR co-processor (on-the-fly packet encryption)
    • 4.8 mA peak current in TX (0 dBm)
    • 4.6 mA peak current in RX
    • RSSI (1 dB resolution)
    • ARM
    -M4 32-bit processor with FPU, 64 MHz
    • 212 EEMBC CoreMark
    score running from flash memory
    • 52 µA/MHz running CoreMark from flash memory
    • Watchpoint and trace debug modules (DWT, ETM, and ITM)
    • Serial wire debug (SWD)
    • Rich set of security features
    • ARM
    Cryptocell 310 security subsystem
    • NIST SP800-90A and SP800-90B compliant random number generator
    • Chacha20/Poly1305 AEAD supporting 128- and 256-bit key size
    • SHA-1, SHA-2 up to 256 bits
    • Keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC)
    • RSA up to 2048-bit key size
    • SRP up to 3072-bit key size
    • ECC support for most used curves, including P-256 (secp256r1) and
    • Application key management using derived key model
    • Secure boot ready
    • Flash access control list (ACL)
    • Root-of-trust (RoT)
    • Debug control and configuration
    • Access port protection (CTRL-AP)
    • Secure erase
    • Flexible power management
    • 1.7 V to 5.5 V supply voltage range
    • On-chip DC/DC and LDO regulators with automated low
    current modes
    • 1.8 V to 3.3 V regulated supply for external components
    • Automated peripheral power management
    • Fast wake-up using 64 MHz internal oscillator
    • 0.4 µA at 3 V in System OFF mode, no RAM retention
    • 1.5 µA at 3 V in System ON mode, no RAM retention, wake on
    • 1 MB flash and 256 kB RAM
    • Advanced on-chip interfaces
    • USB 2.0 full speed (12 Mbps) controller
    • QSPI 32 MHz interface
    • High-speed 32 MHz SPI
    • Type 2 near field communication (NFC-A) tag with wake-on
    • Touch-to-pair support
    • Programmable peripheral interconnect (PPI)
    • 48 general purpose I/O pins
    • EasyDMA automated data transfer between memory and
    • Nordic SoftDevice ready with support for concurrent multiprotocol
    • 12-bit, 200 ksps ADC – 8 configurable channels with
    programmable gain
    • 64 level comparator
    • 15 level low-power comparator with wake-up from System OFF
    • Temperature sensor
    • 4x four channel pulse width modulator (PWM) unit with EasyDMA
    • Audio peripherals – I2
    S, digital microphone interface (PDM)
    • 5x 32-bit timer with counter mode
    • Up to 4x SPI master/3x SPI slave with EasyDMA
    • Up to 2x I2
    C compatible two-wire master/slave
    • 2x UART (CTS/RTS) with EasyDMA
    • Quadrature decoder (QDEC)
    • 3x real-time counter (RTC)
    • Single crystal operation
    • Package variants
    • aQFN

    73 package, 7 x 7 mm
    • QFN48 package, 6 x 6 mm
    • WLCSP package, 3.544 x 3.607 mm